Web development

Implementation of a cookie management system

If you want to respect the law and if your site is using cookies, you'll have to inform your users of it and allow them to block them if they want. In this article, we'll see together what are the steps you'll need to follow to implement it. If you want to correctly understand…

- 13 min read

Presentation of Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager: what is it ? What is it not ? Google Tag Manager is a tag management system. It allows you to easily create, maintain and deploy tracking code on your website. Even if Google presents this tool as something allowing marketing team to work without developers…

- 10 min read

Understand the different javascript modules formats

When it comes to building your application, if you're like me you always ask yourself: which format should I use ? CJS ? AMD ? UMD ? ESM ? What are the differences ? Why so many formats ? Through this article, I'll try to answer those questions 😊. The different formats CommonJS…

- 3 min read

How to efficiently update your npm dependencies ?

If you want to keep your project secure, fast and enjoy the latest features of all your dependencies, it's important to keep them regularly up-to-date. I suggest you to update them once every month or at least once every 2 months. By doing so, you'll face less breaking changes at…

- 6 min read

Get a clean git history

If you're working on a project with a lot of people, it's important to get a clean and clear git history. Through this article, i'll present you some easy git commands that will help you. Why a clean git history matters ? When it comes to read your git history, it's important to…

- 7 min read

Mastering yarn.lock file

If your default package manager is yarn, you should have noticed the file created / updated every time you change your dependencies. But do you really know what this file is used for ? Which problem it solves ? How to use it efficiently ? Through this article, it'll try to…

- 5 min read

dependencies vs devDependencies vs peerDependencies

If you want to correctly maintain a Javascript project that uses NPM / a package.json file, it's important to know the differences between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies. It'll also help you to manage them efficiently. dependencies The libraries under…

- 2 min read